Privacy Policy

We are pleased that you are visiting our website. The protection and security of your personal information when using our website are very important to us. Therefore, we would like to inform you at this point about which of your personal data we collect during your visit to our website and for what purposes this data is used.

This privacy policy applies to the internet offering of Universal POLYTHEX Kunststoffe GmbH, which is accessible under the domain as well as the various subdomains (“our website”).

Who is responsible and how can I reach you?

The responsible party

for the processing of personal data in terms of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

is Universal POLYTHEX Kunststoffe GmbH,
Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 15,
52531 Übach-Palenberg,
+49(0) 2451-484 55 0,


Data protection officer:

Herold Unternehmensberatung GmbH,
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 10,
23617 Stockelsdorf,
Philipp Herold,

What is this about?

This privacy policy meets the legal requirements for transparency in the processing of personal data. This includes all information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person. This includes, for example, information such as your name, your age, your address, your telephone number, your date of birth, your email address, your IP address, or your user behavior when visiting a website. Information that we cannot (or only with a disproportionate effort) relate to your person, for example through anonymization, is not personal data. The processing of personal data (e.g., collecting, querying, using, storing, or transmitting) always requires a legal basis and a defined purpose.

Stored personal data is deleted as soon as the purpose of the processing has been achieved and there are no lawful reasons for further retention of the data. We inform you in the individual processing operations about the specific storage periods or criteria for storage. Regardless, we store your personal data in individual cases for the assertion, exercise, or defense of legal claims and in the presence of statutory retention obligations.

Who gets my data?

We only pass on your personal data that we process on our website to third parties if this is necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes and is covered by the legal basis (e.g., consent or protection of legitimate interests). In addition, we pass on personal data to third parties in individual cases if this serves the assertion, exercise, or defense of legal claims. Possible recipients can then be, for example, law enforcement authorities, lawyers, auditors, courts, etc.

To the extent we use service providers for the operation of our website who process personal data on our behalf as part of an order processing agreement under Art. 28 GDPR, these can be recipients of your personal data. For more information about the use of processors and web services, see the overview of the individual processing operations.

Do you use cookies?

Cookies are small text files that we send to your browser's storage on your device during your visit to our website and are stored there. Alternatively to using cookies, information can also be stored in the local storage of your browser. Some functions of our website cannot be offered without the use of cookies or local storage (technically necessary cookies). Other cookies enable us to perform various analyses so that we are able, for example, to recognize the browser you are using when you revisit our website and to transmit different information to us (non-essential cookies). By using cookies, we can make our website more user-friendly and effective, for example by tracking your use of our website and identifying your preferred settings (e.g., country and language settings). If third parties process information via cookies, they collect the information directly via your browser. Cookies do no harm to your device. They cannot run programs and do not contain viruses.

We inform you about the respective services for which we use cookies in the individual processing operations. Detailed information on the cookies used can be found in the cookie settings or the consent manager of this website.


Overview of the cookies used:

Domain                       Name                                      Description                                                                                                   Storage duration             IDE                              This domain belongs to Doubleclick (Google). The main business activity is:      Google's real-time
                                                                                 bidding advertising exchange about 1 year

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    PHPSESSID                            PHP session cookie that is linked to embedded content from this domain.                      Session.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------        site_lng                               Not available                                                                                                                   about 12 months

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------        sp_store                               Not available                                                                                                                  about 30 days

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE             This cookie is set by YouTube to track user preferences for YouTube videos embedded in websites; it can also                                                                                                          determine whether the website visitor is using the new or old version of the YouTube interface for about 6 months.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YSC This cookie is set by YouTube to track views of embedded videos. Session.




What rights do I have?

Under the legal provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you as the data subject have the following rights:

  • Information according to Art. 15 GDPR about the data stored about you in the form of meaningful information about the details of the processing as well as a copy of your data;
  • Correction according to Art. 16 GDPR of incorrect or incomplete data stored by us;
  • Deletion according to Art. 17 GDPR of the data stored by us unless the processing is necessary for the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and information to fulfill a legal obligation for reasons of public interest or for the assertion, exercise, or defense of legal claims;
  • Restriction of processing according to Art. 18 GDPR if the accuracy of the data is disputed, the processing is unlawful, we no longer need the data, and you refuse to delete it because you need it to assert, exercise, or defend legal claims, or you have objected to the processing according to Art. 21 GDPR;
  • Data portability according to Art. 20 GDPR if you have provided us with personal data based on consent according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR or based on a contract according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR and these have been processed by us using automated procedures;You will receive your data in a structured, common, and machine-readable format or we will transmit the data directly to another controller if this is technically feasible.
  • Objection according to Art. 21 GDPR against the processing of your personal data if this is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. e f GDPR and there are reasons arising from your particular situation, or the objection is directed against direct marketing.The right to object does not exist if overriding compelling legitimate reasons for the processing are proven, or the processing serves the assertion, exercise, or defense of legal claims. If the right to object does not exist in individual processing operations, this is stated there.
  • Withdrawal according to Art. 7 para. 3 GDPR of your given consent with effect for the future.
  • Complaint according to Art. 77 GDPR to a supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the GDPR.You can usually contact the supervisory authority of your usual place of residence, your workplace, or our company headquarters.

How are my data processed in detail?

Below we inform you about the individual processing operations, the extent and purpose of the data processing, the legal basis, the obligation to provide your data, and the respective storage duration. Automated decision-making in individual cases, including profiling, does not take place.

Provision of the website

Nature and scope of the processing

When you call up and use our website, we collect personal data that your browser automatically transmits to our server. The following information is temporarily stored in a so-called log file:

  • IP address of the requesting computer.
  • Date and time of access.
  • Name and URL of the retrieved file.
  • Website from which the access is made (referrer URL).
  • Browser used and possibly the operating system of your computer as well as the name of your access provider.

[Our website is not hosted by ourselves but by a service provider who processes the above-mentioned data on our behalf according to Art. 28 GDPR].


Purpose and legal basis

The processing is carried out to protect our overriding legitimate interest in displaying our website and ensuring security and stability on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The collection of data and storage in log files is absolutely necessary for the operation of the website. There is no right to object to the processing due to the exception according to Art. 21 para. 1 GDPR. To the extent that further storage of log files is required by law, processing is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR. There is no legal or contractual obligation to provide the data, but the call-up of our website is technically not possible without the provision of the data.


Storage duration

The above data are stored for the duration of the display of the website.

Contact form

Nature and scope of the processing

On our website, we offer you the opportunity to contact us via a provided form. The information collected through mandatory fields is required to process the request. In addition, you can voluntarily provide additional information that you consider necessary for the processing of the contact request.

When using the contact form, your personal data will not be passed on to third parties.


Purpose and legal basis

Depending on the nature of the inquiry, the legal basis for this processing is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR for inquiries that you yourself make as part of a pre-contractual measure or that serve to fulfill a contractual relationship. Furthermore, inquiries can be processed by us on the basis of our legitimate interest according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR in order to effectively design our customer service. If personal data is requested that we do not need to fulfill a contract or to protect legitimate interests, the transmission to us is based on a consent given by you according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR. 

Storage duration

To the extent that you use the contact form on the basis of your consent, we store the data collected from each request for three years, starting with the completion of your request or until you withdraw your consent.


Third-party providers used:

Our website uses content, services, and performances from other providers. These are, for example, services for statistical evaluation of the use and visit of our website. In order for this data to be called up and displayed in the user's browser, the transmission of the user's IP address to the respective third-party provider is necessary.

Even if we strive to use only third-party providers who only need the IP address to deliver content or even work with anonymized IP addresses, we have no influence on whether the IP address may be stored. Information about the third-party providers used can be found in the following in this privacy policy.

Comply Consent Manager

Nature and scope of the processing

We have integrated Comply Consent Manager on our website. Comply Consent Manager is a consent solution provided by Hendrik Paulo Gaffo & Alexander Riegert GbR, Carl-Bremer-Ring 13, 22179 Hamburg, Germany, which can obtain and document consent for the storage of cookies. Comply Consent Manager uses cookies or other web technologies to recognize users and store the given or withdrawn consent.

Purpose and legal basis

The use of the service is based on the legal requirement to obtain consent for the use of cookies according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR.

Storage duration

The specific storage duration of the processed data is not influenced by us but is determined by Hendrik Paulo Gaffo & Alexander Riegert GbR. Further information can be found in the privacy policy for Comply Consent Manager:

Google Maps

Nature and scope of the processing

We use the map service Google Maps to create directions. Google Maps is a service of Google Ireland Limited, which displays a map on our website. When you access this content on our website, you establish a connection to servers of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, where your IP address and possibly browser data such as your user agent are transmitted. This data is processed solely for the purposes mentioned above and to maintain the security and functionality of Google Maps.

Purpose and legal basis

The use of Google Maps is based on your consent according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR and § 25 para. 1 TDDDG.

Storage duration

The specific storage duration of the processed data is not influenced by us but is determined by Google Ireland Limited.Further information can be found in the privacy policy for Google Maps:



Nature and scope of the processing

We use CDNJS for the proper provision of the content of our website. CDNJS is a service of Cloudflare Inc., which functions as a content delivery network (CDN) on our website.

A CDN helps to provide content of our online offering, especially files such as graphics or scripts, faster using regional or international distributed servers. When you access this content, you establish a connection to servers of Cloudflare Inc., where your IP address and possibly browser data such as your user agent are transmitted. This data is processed solely for the purposes mentioned above and to maintain the security and functionality of CDNJS.


Purpose and legal basis

The use of the content delivery network is based on our legitimate interests, i.e., interest in a secure and efficient provision as well as the optimization of our online offering according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

Storage duration

The specific storage duration of the processed data is not influenced by us but is determined by Cloudflare Inc.Further information can be found in the privacy policy for CDNJS:

Facebook Pixel

Nature and scope of the processing

We use Facebook Pixel from Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland, to create custom audiences, i.e., to segment visitor groups of our online offering, measure conversion rates, and subsequently optimize them. This happens especially when you interact with advertisements we have placed with Facebook Ireland Ltd.


Purpose and legal basis

We process your data using Facebook Pixel for the purpose of optimizing our website and for marketing purposes based on your consent according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.

Storage duration

The specific storage duration of the processed data is not influenced by us but is determined by Facebook Ireland Ltd.Further information can be found in the privacy policy for Facebook Pixel:

Facebook Plugin

Nature and scope of the processing

We have integrated components of Facebook Plugin on our website. Facebook Plugin is a service of Facebook Ireland Ltd. and offers us the possibility to aggregate and display content from the social media platform on our website.

When you access this content, you establish a connection to servers of Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland, where your IP address and possibly browser data such as your user agent are transmitted. This data is processed solely for the purposes mentioned above and to maintain the security and functionality of Facebook Plugin.

If a user is registered with Facebook Ireland Ltd., Facebook Plugin can assign the viewed content to the profile.


Purpose and legal basis

The use of the service is based on your consent according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR. 

Storage duration

The specific storage duration of the processed data is not influenced by us but is determined by Facebook Ireland Ltd.Further information can be found in the privacy policy for Facebook Plugin:

Google CDN

Nature and scope of the processing

We use Google CDN for the proper provision of the content of our website. Google CDN is a service of Google Ireland Limited, which functions as a content delivery network (CDN) on our website.

A CDN helps to provide content of our online offering, especially files such as graphics or scripts, faster using regional or international distributed servers. When you access this content, you establish a connection to servers of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, where your IP address and possibly browser data such as your user agent are transmitted. This data is processed solely for the purposes mentioned above and to maintain the security and functionality of Google CDN.


Purpose and legal basis

The use of the content delivery network is based on our legitimate interests, i.e., interest in a secure and efficient provision as well as the optimization of our online offering according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR. 

Storage duration

The specific storage duration of the processed data is not influenced by us but is determined by Google Ireland Limited.Further information can be found in the privacy policy for Google CDN:

Google Double Click

Nature and scope of the processing

We have integrated components of DoubleClick by Google on our website. DoubleClick is a brand of Google that mainly markets special online marketing solutions to advertising agencies and publishers. DoubleClick by Google transmits data to the DoubleClick server with each impression as well as with clicks or other activities.

Each of these data transmissions triggers a cookie request to the browser of the affected person. If the browser accepts this request, DoubleClick sets a cookie in your browser.

DoubleClick uses a cookie ID that is required to handle the technical process. The cookie ID is used, for example, to display an advertisement in a browser. DoubleClick can also use the cookie ID to track which advertisements have already been displayed in a browser to avoid duplicate placements. Furthermore, DoubleClick can use the cookie ID to record conversions. Conversions are recorded, for example, when a user has previously been shown a DoubleClick advertisement and then makes a purchase on the advertiser's website using the same internet browser.

A DoubleClick cookie does not contain any personal data but can contain additional campaign identifiers. A campaign identifier serves to identify the campaigns with which you have already been in contact on other websites. As part of this service, Google becomes aware of data that Google also uses to create commission statements. Google can, among other things, track that you have clicked on certain links on our website. In this case, your data is passed on to the operator of DoubleClick, Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.Further information and the applicable privacy policy of DoubleClick by Google can be found at .


Purpose and legal basis

We process your data using the DoubleClick cookie for the purpose of optimizing and displaying advertisements based on your consent according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR. You give your consent by setting the use of cookies (cookie banner/consent manager) with which you can also revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future according to Art. 7 para. 3 GDPR. The cookie is used, among other things, to display user-relevant advertisements and to create and improve reports on advertising campaigns. The cookie also serves to avoid multiple displays of the same advertisement. Each time one of the individual pages of our website on which a DoubleClick component has been integrated is called up, your browser is automatically prompted by the respective DoubleClick component to transmit data to Google for the purpose of online advertising and commission settlement. There is no legal or contractual obligation to provide your data. If you do not give us your consent, visiting our website is possible without restriction, but not all functions may be fully available.


Storage duration

The specific storage duration of the processed data is not influenced by us but is determined by Google Ireland Limited.Further information can be found in the privacy policy for Google DoubleClick:

Google Fonts

Nature and scope of the processing

We use Google Fonts from Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, as a service to provide fonts for our online offering. To obtain these fonts, you establish a connection to servers of Google Ireland Limited, where your IP address is transmitted.


Purpose and legal basis

The use of Google Fonts is based on your consent according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.


Storage duration

The specific storage duration of the processed data is not influenced by us but is determined by Google Ireland Limited.Further information can be found in the privacy policy for Google Fonts:

Google reCaptcha

Nature and scope of the processing

We have integrated components of Google reCAPTCHA on our website. Google reCAPTCHA is a service of Google Ireland Limited and allows us to distinguish whether a contact request comes from a natural person or is made automatically using a program. When you access this content, you establish a connection to servers of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, where your IP address and possibly browser data such as your user agent are transmitted. Furthermore, Google reCAPTCHA records the user's dwell time and mouse movements to distinguish automated requests from human ones. This data is processed solely for the purposes mentioned above and to maintain the security and functionality of Google reCAPTCHA.


Purpose and legal basis

The use of the service is based on our legitimate interests, i.e., to protect the transmission of forms according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.


Storage duration

The specific storage duration of the processed data is not influenced by us but is determined by Google Ireland Limited.Further information can be found in the privacy policy for Google reCAPTCHA:





Nature and scope of the processing

We have integrated YouTube Video on our website. YouTube Video is a component of the video platform of YouTube LLC, where users can upload content, share it over the internet, and receive detailed statistics.

YouTube Video allows us to integrate content from the platform into our website.

YouTube Video uses cookies and other browser technologies to evaluate user behavior, recognize users, and create user profiles. This information is used, among other things, to analyze the activity of the viewed content and create reports. If a user is registered with YouTube LLC, YouTube Video can assign the played videos to the profile.

When you access this content, you establish a connection to servers of YouTube LLC, Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, where your IP address and possibly browser data such as your user agent are transmitted.


Purpose and legal basis

The use of the service is based on your consent according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.


Storage duration

The specific storage duration of the processed data is not influenced by us but is determined by YouTube LLC.Further information can be found in the privacy policy for YouTube Video:

Application process

On our website, we publish job offers to which you can apply via email. If you decide to apply for an open position, we process the personal data you provide and transmit to us solely for the purpose of conducting the application process.

The legal basis for processing your personal data in the application process is § 26 para. 1 in connection with para. 2 BDSG.

In the event of a rejection, we delete your data as soon as a legally required retention period of 6 months has expired. The period begins with the sending of the rejection. If you have explicitly consented to the further use of your data for a later approach regarding possibly interesting positions for you, we will continue to store your data accordingly.

If the application process results in an employment relationship, the data will be stored further, as necessary and permissible, and then transferred to the personnel file.

Data transfer to recipients outside the company only occurs to the extent that legal provisions permit or require it, the transfer is necessary to fulfill legal obligations, or you have consented. A transfer to a third country is not intended.

Providing personal data in the application process is neither legally nor contractually required. You are not obligated to provide personal data. However, providing personal data is necessary for the decision on an application or a contract conclusion for an employment relationship with us. You should only provide personal data that is necessary for the acceptance and conduct of the application. If you do not provide us with personal data in an application, we cannot make a decision about establishing an employment relationship.

Please note that applications you send to us by email are transmitted unencrypted. There is a risk that unauthorized persons may intercept and use this data.


Presence on social media platforms

To present our company as best as possible and to communicate with you as a user, customer, or interested party, and to inform you about our services, we use our presence in social networks. When using social networks, data processing occurs outside the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). An equivalent level of data protection as in the EU cannot be guaranteed in all countries outside the EU. In this context, there may be risks for you as a user if the transferred data is processed in so-called third countries with an inadequate level of data protection.

This makes it difficult to enforce known user rights. In addition, your data may not be processed by the provider in the third country in your interest. We only transfer personal data to third countries for which an adequate level of data protection has been confirmed, or if the transfer of personal data can be ensured through contractual agreements or other suitable guarantees.

Besides the respective provider of a social network, we also process personal user data on so-called “fan pages”. This notice informs you about what data we collect from you on our social media presence, how we use it, and how you can object to the use of your data. The respective purposes of data processing and categories of data can be found in the respective offer described in detail below. The activities we operate on social media described in detail below are based on a balance of interests according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR.

To realize this, cookies are used that capture user behavior and enable the creation of a user profile. A detailed list of the purposes for processing user data can be found in the data protection notices of the respective providers. By making corresponding settings in your user account, you can restrict the creation of profiles to some extent. For the exact procedure, please read the respective data protection notices of the respective provider.

The relevant platforms are:


Responsible entity

Data protection notices of the platform operator:


Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland


Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland


New Work SE, Am Strandkai 1, 20457 Hamburg, Germany


LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

Universal POLYTHEX Kunststoffe GmbH operates profiles on the listed platforms to draw attention to products and service offerings and to interact with customers, interested parties, and other users of the platform.

In this context, the platform operators use certain data they have collected from users of the platform (e.g., whether a photo on a profile has been marked with "Like" or commented on) to create aggregated usage statistics and provide them to the respective profile operator (so-called "Insights" or "Analytics"). We as the profile operator also receive such usage statistics. The information we receive as the profile operator does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about individual users. The profile operator does not have access to personal data that the platform operators process for creating usage statistics. Only the respective platform operator determines which data is processed and in what way for these purposes. Universal POLYTHEX Kunststoffe GmbH, as the profile operator, cannot legally or practically influence the processing by the platform operators.

For processing related to creating usage statistics, Universal POLYTHEX Kunststoffe GmbH and the respective platform operator are jointly responsible in the sense of Art. 26 GDPR.

Where possible, agreements on joint responsibility exist with the respective platform operators.

Furthermore, data processing by Universal POLYTHEX Kunststoffe GmbH as the profile operator only takes place to a very limited extent:

·       Processing of usernames and comments that are deleted due to violation of netiquette. These are retained for possible legal disputes within the limitation period.

·       Processing of usernames and individual messages when you contact us via messenger services.

For these purposes, we generally only process your name, message content, comment content, and publicly provided profile information.

Data security

We secure our website with technical and organizational measures against loss, destruction, access, modification, or distribution of your data by unauthorized persons.

In particular, your personal data is transmitted to us in encrypted form. We use the SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) encoding system. Our security measures are continuously improved in line with technological developments.

Storage duration for personal data

With regard to the storage duration, we delete personal data as soon as their storage is no longer necessary for fulfilling the original purpose and there are no statutory retention periods. Statutory retention periods are the criteria for the final duration of the storage of personal data. After the period expires, the corresponding data is routinely deleted. If retention periods exist, the processing is restricted in the form of blocking the data.

References and links

When you call up internet pages referred to within our website, you may be asked for details such as name, address, email address, browser characteristics, etc. This privacy policy does not regulate the collection, transfer, or handling of personal data by third parties.


Third-party service providers may have different and own provisions for handling the collection, processing, and use of personal data. Therefore, it is advisable to inform yourself about their practice for handling personal data on the internet pages of third parties before entering personal data.


Status: July 2024.